Good post Comatose! You are exactly right. This has been Hubby & I argument for years. How can these men be 'spirit appointed' in 1 cong. and NOT spirit appointed in another.
Hubby's dad, served as a MS for 8 years and finally a new CO came in and asked the BOE why this man was never recommended as an elder.
Here is my thought: My father in law always researched a subject and didn't rely on his personal opinion. He was not afraid to question or challenge the BOE and we have heard from other elders that he was the only elder that would come to elder's meeting with WT articles directing how the BOE should handle or view these matters.
So in other words, the elders knew that he would make waves or be a thorn in their side if they wanted to do things their way.
So we feel this is why it took a CO to get him appointed. This is why Hubby could never get appointed also and was always in trouble and being back-roomed.